Providing LGBTQ people with opportunities for success

Evonné Kaho, CEO of Love Me Unlimited 4 Life

Based in Jackson, Love Me Unlimited 4 Life is the only trans-led organization in the state of Mississippi. The organization emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, especially the transgender and non-binary community, while having a desire for actions to speak louder than words. 

Love Me Unlimited 4 Life was established in 2016 by CEO Evonné Kaho to assist the transgender community. Kaho hopes to bring awareness and make a difference in the lives of the transgender community members victimized or struggling with themselves. 

“Being the only trans-led organization does us good, because a lot of people, especially in the African American community, and a lot of organizations do not listen to trans-specific or non-binary people,” said Kaho. “In general, it’s okay to be a lesbian, it’s okay to be a gay male, but being trans or non-binary, that’s when more of the stigma comes in.” 

“So, I think if we bring everybody together and show people that there are trans and non-binary people in the community doing the work, they will start to say, ‘Oh, I see that they’re equal,’” said Kaho. 

Love Me Unlimited 4 Life will be using the grant money from the LGBTQ Fund of Mississippi to host a community fair in Jackson. They will invite LGBTQ businesses, along with several others, to come together for an event similar to a job fair. Kaho hopes that the fair will show the local community of the work that the LGBTQ community is doing, and it will lead to people collaborating with other organizations or getting hired. 

Love Me Unlimited 4 Life also plans to have a community barbecue event, where they will give away free food and care packages, containing items like face masks and hand sanitizer, to people in the LGBTQ community. 

Empowering the LGBTQ community 

“The stigma in the south, especially towards trans people and non-binary people, is that it’s okay to be gay in Jackson, but when you fall out of that binary or go into non-binary, it becomes a problem. Mississippi has to change. WIth the laws and everything, the only way Mississippi is going to change is if people like myself and other people step up at the forefront and show the community that we are here, and we deserve the same life as the next person,” said Kaho.

With the community fair, Love Me Unlimited 4 Life’s goal is to open up opportunities for those who might otherwise face discrimination. 

“I want people to learn that all people are supposed to be created equally, including trans people. Well-being to me is making sure that all trans people are treated well in the South, especially in Mississippi. I want to help people of my kind. We are constantly under attack, especially by the current administration. We need to address this locally and work to change it,” said Kaho. 

Learn more about Love Me Unlimited 4 Life at their website or contact them at

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